
#1 - Is it legal?:

YES. Home birth has always been legal. Certified Professional Midwives (CPM) are legal and licensed in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. CPMs can legally attend home births in all three states.

#2 - Is it safe?

YES. The countries who have the best birth outcomes all utilize home birth for normal, low-risk, natural births. You can find out more about home birth safety here and here.

#3 - Who will be at my birth?

Susan, of course! The midwife you hire will be the midwife at your birth. We intentionally serve only a limited number of families per month to ensure that each family receives our undivided attention. You will see the same smiling faces at every prenatal and postpartum appointment and the same smiling faces at your birth. No tricks, no surprises.

#4 - What equipment do you carry?

Our most important equipment are our hands and our hearts. That said, we carry A LOT of equipment. We are happy to show you our birth bags at a prenatal appointment so you can familiarize yourself with what we bring to births. While we do carry fully stocked birth bags, we set-up our equipment in an unobtrusive way. Our goal is to blend in with your environment so that you barely know that we are there.

A few of the things we carry - fetoscope, Doppler, IV equipment, suture equipment, suction catheters, urinary catheters, materials for a baby with spinal bifida, oxygen tank & cannula, resuscitation equipment for baby, hemostats, scissors, sterile everything, baby scale, stethoscopes, blood pressure cuff. We also carry medications, as permitted by law. We are trained in the use of, and carry, pitocin, methergine, cytotec, oxygen, rhogam (if you are Rh-), erythromycin ointment for baby's eyes should you choose that, Vitamin K (oral and intramuscular). We also carry an array of herbs, homeopathy, and essential oils. And, if you choose to birth in the water, we also provide the tub and supplies for that.

#5 - Is my house/apartment too small? Is my space the right space for a home birth?

Do you feel comfortable there? We’ve attended births in many different home types from large houses to modest apartments to mobile homes to yurts. You don’t need that much space to have a baby! Sometimes, home births even happen in someone else’s home ex: parents who are staying with in-laws, or choose to birth at a friend’s house. We’re flexible. We just want you to feel comfortable with your surroundings and supported by everyone there.

#6 - Can I have a doula at a home birth?

Absolutely! We LOVE doulas! Doulas frequently attend home births and we welcome them as a part of any birth team. Again the most important part is that you feel comfortable with everyone who is with you at your birth. Gather the support team that you desire and together we will create your best birth.

#7 - How close do I need to be to a hospital?

We ask that all of our clients be within 30 minutes of a hospital.

#8 - What are some reasons to transfer to the hospital?

Midwives are experts in supporting and guiding the process of normal, natural birth. Normal birth covers an exceedingly large range, and we know it inside and out, backwards and forwards. When something falls outside of the range of normal birth, it is very obvious to us. And in those instances, we transfer calmly and without hesitation to the place where they are experts in the abnormal, i.e. the hospital.

There are many reasons why we may choose to transfer care to a hospital, including excessive bleeding during or after the birth, or a baby who needs some help with breathing and transitioning to life outside the womb.

Fortunately, our transfer rate is extremely low. Also, our hospital transfers have historically been smooth and seamless. In the event of a transfer, Susan will go with you to the hospital and continue to support you as an advocate and friend until a few hours after your baby is born.

#9 - Can I have a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean at home?

Yes! However, only if you live (or have someone to host your home birth) in Virginia. Maryland and Delaware both prohibit home birth for VBAC moms. We are fighting these restrictions. Please contact your representatives to make your voice heard!

#10 - How much does it cost?

Kindred Hearts Community Midwifery believes that home birth should be available for every woman. Because of this, we offer flexible monthly payment plans. We also bill insurance companies for reimbursement.  

Many families are able to receive full or partial reimbursement for their home birth! These are exciting times!

Please contact us to learn about our pricing and payment options. We accept credit, debit, check, and cash payments.  

#11 - Do you take insurance?

We are out-of-network providers for each insurance company, but we have the resources to bill your insurance company for reimbursement. Our insurance admin works directly with you and your insurance company to make sure you get the most out of your policy.  Also, if you are a member of a health share organization, those organizations frequently reimburse 100% of midwifery care fees.

#12 - How do I know if home birth is right for me?

  • You have a low-risk pregnancy.

  • You want the extraordinary experience of a natural birth.

  • You’re excited about taking an active role in your pregnancy and birth.